About David Mattison

I am the David Mattison you most associate with the Internet and Web. I was born and raised in the Territory of Hawai'i, later the State of Hawai'i. I settled in British Columbia, Canada, and worked for the Provincial Archives of British Columbia as an archivist and a librarian for 29 years, taking early retirement in 2010. I was involved with automation and Internet initiatives at the BC Archives long before those tools entered public consciousness. I've developed many other Web sites, most of which are listed on my DavidMattison.ca front page.

My research and writing interests over the past three decades are the history of photography in Western Canada, British Columbia history in general, historical research in general and Internet and Web tools. Here is a link to a complete bibliography from my personal wiki.

My Ten Thousand Year Blog, the first and longest-lived blog by a Canadian archivist, which I began in July 2002 on the Radio Weblog platform, is syndicated by Newstex.

I am also a soon-to-be world famous composer of ambient music and soundscapes. You can find samples of my musical pieces at the Internet Archive in its Community Audio section at this link and through my main SoundCloud account as the Trance Doctor.

To contact David go to the Contact page of this blog.

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