Monday, March 1, 2010

And the games are done, long may they run to the final frontier

Loved Neil Young performance of "Long May You Run" as one of the closing songs of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. And Captain (William Shatner) James T. Kirk giving his I Am Canadian (We Dream Big) monologue. And Catharine O'Hara on "I'm Sorry" and Michael J. Fox letting everyone know that "We Claim You."

One more song with Michael Buble dressed as a singing Mountie and a purposeful costume malfunction where he turns into a lounge singer complete with big band backup.

Giant Mounties and hockey players, dancing maple leafs and voyageurs complete with canoes, and huge balloon beavers and moose capped off a great closing ceremony!

Post-closing ceremonies saw musical performances by some great Canadian bands and singers.

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