Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another nail in the coffin of Canadian culture

I've been personally impacted by another nail in the coffin of Canadian culture courtesy of Prime Minister Harper's Conservative government. I manage a Web site and a database that's been funded through an annual grant from the federal government to a non-profit society. That funding's been elmiminated effective immediately with no warning to either the many individual organzations or the umbrella organizaton that administers the grant applications. I'm talking about the National Archival Development Program (NDAP), money for which came out of the Library and Archives Canada's budget. In 2001 the British Columbia Ggovernment made a similar budget cut when it eliminated its grants to community archives through revenue from gambling (see under Community Gaming Grants). The elimination of NDAP is not, at least in Britich Columbia, a case where costs can be passed on or offloaded to the province simply because there no longer is a comparable funding program to NDAP in our province. Of course is Harper's government cancelled but one of those fighter jet orders that money could pay for NADP for many more years to come.

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