Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bravo to the RCMP for thwarting a terrorist threat in Victoria

Good for the RCMP and other public security agencies in managing to thwart a terrorist threat in Victoria that would have seen pressure-cooker bombs like those used in the Boston Marathon explode on the grounds of the Parliament Buildings in Victoria on Canada Day (July 1) 2013. According to the CBC.ca article "Court records indicate Amanda Marie Korody, 30, and John Stewart Nuttall, 39, have each been charged with conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, knowingly facilitating a terrorist activity and possession of an explosive substance." Considering this was next door to where I used to work at the Royal BC Museum (BC Archives) and where friends and former colleagues still do, this was close to home. I do remember some colleagues being skeptical about the Buildings ever being a target following 9/11.

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