Friday, August 9, 2013

Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction debuts

According to its Mission Statement in volume 1, issue 1,
The Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal hosted by the University of California at Riverside, affiliated with the Eaton Collection of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Utopian Studies. The journal is run by graduate student editors, with scholarly review provided by an interdisciplinary executive board made up of SF scholars, research librarians, and archivists. This diverse editorial pool reflects the Journal’s mission of fostering an interdisciplinary conversation, bringing literary scholars together with the archivists whose work assembles, curates, and makes meaning within archives. Putting these disciplinary voices into discussion within the pages of the journal fosters innovative research and incisive scholarship in the field of SF studies.

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