Wednesday, December 2, 2009

10 Ways to Know You Are At

The 10 Ways to Know You Are At

  1. You saw on the Jay Leno Show and are eager to check it out.

  2. Your boyfriend tells you to check out this awesome new blog at called David Mattison, Ideas, Images & Info Matters.

  3. Your girlfriend tells you to check out this fabulous new blog at called David Mattison, Ideas, Images & Info Matters.

  4. You've been infected by a meme about this great new blog at called David Mattison, Ideas, Images & Info Matters and decide to check it out

  5. You start repeating Hawaiian words to yourself such as wiki wiki and just know that you're picking up subliminal cues from David Mattison, Ideas, Images & Info Matters.

  6. You start dreaming of Hawai'i and just know that you're picking up harmonic convergence thought patterns from David Mattison, Ideas, Images & Info Matters.

  7. You Google David Mattison and find other sites of his that link to

  8. You Google David Mattison and see among the top three non-paid results.

  9. You Google and find it.

  10. You click on the URL for and end up there.

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