Saturday, December 19, 2009

Top Two Questions Asked of Any Retiree

I wonder if there's ever been a study of the questions that are asked of retirees by their co-workers. I'm sure these would rank among the top two:

  1. How do you feel or what does it feel like to be leaving?

  2. What are your plans after retirement?

My answers were

  1. I felt a combination of nervous excitement, nervous tension, sadness, much happiness and relief. I certainly smiled a lot.

  2. I plan on relaxing for at least six weeks and have three writing assignments to complete for Searcher magazine. I have many, many unfinished research and writing projects I've accumulated over the years, the most important of which is to continue and complete as best I can work on my decade-old Web site Camera Workers: The British Columbia, Alaska and Yukon Photographic Directory, 1858-1950 (link to current version and archived version). I will also be looking for either salaried or contracted part-time work.

David's big smile on his last day of work

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