Tuesday, February 1, 2011

CRTC ordered to rescind Internet billing decision or federal government will overturn it

Update for February 3, 2011: This is a good news story for everyone, except maybe shareholders of the Big Three Canadian ISPs, but the federal government has ordered the CRTC to either rescind its Internet usage billing decision or the government will quash it. For details see this Globe & Mail report.

This decision has affected me as I have an "unlimited" bandwidth account through a small Canadian ISP as well as one through an off-shore company. One of the unintended outcomes of the CRTC's ill-thought decision of course is that it will drive Canadians to off-shore providers and take Canadian dollars out of the country when those dollars should be supporting Canadian businesses.

February 1, 2011: According to this Globe & Mail Update on the Internet Billing Crisis, Prime Minister Harper has intervened by asking for a review of the CRTC's decision.

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